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...perhaps a mug, a shirt, or a tote bag?

If so, look no further! As an independent publication, Wealth & Wellbeing is 100% powered by subscriptions, donations, and now merch!

As our readership grows, I'm able to invest more of my time in writing new posts, research summaries, and teaching ChatMMT how to show it's sources – all in hopes that we can accelerate the paradigm shift around how we think about money.

I cannot thank you enough for your exceptional support in getting Wealth & Wellbeing on track to be my primary focus. Thank you!

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Uncle Sam T-shirt

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Uncle Sam Mug

Enjoy your coffee with Uncle Sam & spark a conversation at the office.

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Uncle Sam Tote Bag

Let Uncle Sam spark curiosity wherever you go!

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P.S. Did you see our latest post?

MMT is Winning
How We’re Shifting the Paradigm in 2024

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